Modifying Your Car Rental Reservation
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Modifying Your Car Rental Reservation

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Article summary

Need to make some changes to your car rental reservation? Here’s how: 

First, click on the trip that you’d like to update the car rental for. 

Then locate the car rental that you need to modify. Click the Manage Booking link in the lower left corner, then Modify.

Deem will then walk you through modifying your reservation. Select a new car rental and proceed to the payment. 

Once you reach the Confirmation screen, your reservation will be successfully modified. 

Please note that some car rental can’t be modified through Deem, and you’ll need to contact Support to make modifications. Here are a few examples of car rentals that cannot be modified online:

  • A car rental reservation that has already started
  • An itinerary that contains an element added by a travel agent (known as passive segment)

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